SEXY BEAST: Just look at this fine ensemble. Like a louche waiter on a very stylish pirate ship. Filthy lapels. Dashing face topiary.
The letters below were originally presented on my main site as part of the background research material for a new episode in my performance lecture series; this one was to be called ‘One-Eyed Monster’ and explore the posthumous ownership and exposure of artists’ private lives, focusing on James Joyce. Although this project is on hold for the moment, the evident interest of both scholars and perverts in James Joyce’s smutty letters and the difficulty of obtaining access to them has persuaded me to maintain the material here.
‘One-Eyed Monster’ explores the ongoing public fascination with the private lives of famous writers, artists, musicians and performers. I’m particularly interested in the ways that a person who achieves any significant measure of success or recognition in the arts can expect to have absolutely every aspect of their private life exposed and analysed upon their death or at some point after a “decent” period has elapsed. Rejected or unfinished works and prosaic notes about tedious domestic matters become valuable relics to be snapped up by collectors and hoarded; meanwhile everything else about the artist becomes in a sense public property.
Like the “tortured artist” trope, the vulture-like picking over of the creative and material legacies of dead artists continues to have a significant impact upon the ways that living artists are able to do their jobs. The reverence that the public tends to have even for recently dead artists forms a vivid contrast to the naked contempt and derision that is frequently expressed for living ones. Again unlike many creative people while they are alive, untalented and noncreative people are able to build lasting careers from what one might call the Talented Dead. The arts are rife with examples of major industries and profit arising from the Talented Dead. Tortured writer Franz Kafka was adamant that none of his unpublished work should outlive him, although his erstwhile friend and executor Max Brod ignored his wishes. Tortured painters from Vincent Van Gogh to Mark Rothko earned in their lifetimes a vanishingly small fraction of the current prices their work fetches at auction.
One-Eyed Monster focuses on the cult of James Joyce and in particular upon his letters. Joyce is a particularly fascinating case study to use in exploring the issues I have raised above. ‘Finnegan’s Wake’ and ‘Ulysses’ are spoken of as two of the most important works of fiction in the English language, works that some people are snobbishly proud to have read and that other people proclaim unreadable, with equal if not greater pride.
Despite the importance of Joyce to the canon of Twentieth century literature, ever since his death, his estate (i.e. the people or companies who stand to gain financially from his work) has been notoriously controlling, restrictive and litigious with regard to publication, adaptation or study of Joyce’s work. The estate has repeatedly refused serious scholars of his writing, and even more illogically the estate has done things like forbidding Kate Bush to use extracts of Molly Bloom’s soliloquy from ‘Ulysses’ in a song. Incidentally, she went ahead anyway with a Joyce pastiche and the resulting recording (‘The Sensual World’) is crazily sexy/sexually crazy in a way that’s somehow typical of both James Joyce and Kate Bush.
“Something obscene and lecherous in the very look of the letters”
The sexual content of Joyce’s work seems to get the estate’s knickers particularly twisted. To the best of my knowledge, Joyce’s explicit letters to his beloved (the splendidly named Nora Barnacle) are only available online at one personal website, incomplete, and in their entirety in one book that was published in 1975, long out of print. (If you know better, you’re welcome to correct my information). These letters stand on their own as brilliant and, dare I say, arousing Joycean writing. In my opinion they’re definitely worth reading. In view of all the aforementioned, and to support development and discussion of this project, I’ve posted them below. I repeat that they are explicit, arguably pornographic. If you consider either of these latter things bad, undesirable or otherwise not to be encouraged then please just refrain from reading them instead of complaining. One of Jim’s terms of endearment for Nora is Fuckbird; this may help you decide where, when and with whom you’d like to peruse these letters.
The main question I would like to explore with ‘One-Eyed Monster’ is the tacit public ownership of deceased artists and their work. Does anyone have the right to read things that were clearly meant only for two specific people, i.e. Jim and Fuckbird? Now that they have been exposed to the world’s gaze, albeit in a fairly limited fashion, does anybody except these two (who are dead) have any right to make objections about or exercise control over the manner in which these private documents and records of intimacy are used? Certainly the two original protagonists cannot possibly be harmed in any way by a stranger reading their sexy letters a hundred years after the fact, so exactly who and what is being protected if their republication is suppressed?
UPDATE: Try having them read to you in a robot voice. Very unsexy.
The letters
Extracted from the out-of-print ‘Selected Letters of James Joyce’, edited by Richard Ellman and published by Faber & Faber in 1975. I’m posting transcripts of the letters in the spirit of fair dealing as laid out in the UK’s Copyright, Designs and Patents Act. The letters were written in December of 1909 by Joyce to the mother of his children (and, eventually, his wife) Nora Barnacle, during a period of separation, distrust and recrimination between them.
NB: A warning to the sensitive. The texts below may be a century old, but some of them are sexually explicit even by contemporary standards. They are intended for adults only. If discussion of sexual matters is likely to offend you or get you into serious trouble with your employer, your parents, your religion or your government then you should leave this page now.
To everyone else: enjoy your “research”, you dirty little brown-arsed blackguards.
2 December 1909: 44 Fontenoy Street, Dublin.
My darling
I ought to begin by begging your pardon, perhaps, for the extraordinary
letter I wrote you last night. While I was writing it your letter was
lying in front of me and my eyes were fixed, as they are even now, on a
certain word of it. There is something obscene and lecherous in the very
look of the letters. The sound of it too is like the act itself, brief,
brutal, irresistible and devilish.
Darling, do not be offended at what I wrote. You thank me for the
beautiful name I gave you. Yes, dear, it is a nice name ‘My beautiful
wild flower of the hedges! My dark-blue, rain-drenched flower!’. You see
I am a little of the poet still. I am giving you a lovely book for a
present too: and it is a poet’s present for the woman he loves. But,
side by side and inside this spiritual love I have for you there is also
a wild beast-like craving for every inch of your body, for every secret
and shameful part of it, for every odour and act of it. My love for you
allows me to pray to the spirit of eternal beauty and tenderness
mirrored in your eyes or to fling you down under me on that soft belly
of yours and fuck you up behind, like a hog riding a sow, glorying in
the open shame of your upturned dress and white girlish drawers and in
the confusion of your flushed cheeks and tangled hair. It allows me to
burst into tears of pity and love at some slight word, to tremble with
love for you at the sounding of some chord or cadence of music or to lie
heads and tails with you feeling your fingers fondling and tickling my
ballocks or stuck up in me behind and your hot lips sucking off my cock
while my head is wedged in between your fat thighs, my hands clutching
the round cushions of your bum and my tongue licking ravenously up your
rank red cunt. I have taught you almost to swoon at the hearing of my
voice singing or murmuring to your soul the passion and sorrow and
mystery of life and at the same time have taught you to make filthy
signs to me with your lips and tongue, to provoke me by obscene touches
and noises, and even to do in my presence the most shameful and filthy
act of the body. You remember the day you pulled up your clothes and let
me lie under you looking up at you as you did it? Then you were ashamed
even to meet my eyes.
You are mine, darling, mine! I love you. All I have written above is
only a moment or two of brutal madness. The last drop of seed has hardly
been squirted up your cunt before it is over and my true love for you,
the love of my verses, the love of my eyes for your strange luring eyes,
comes blowing over my soul like a wind of spices. My prick is still hot
and stiff and quivering from the last brutal drive it has given you
when a faint hymn is heard rising in tender pitiful worship of you from
the dim cloisters of my heart.
Nora, my faithful darling, my sweet-eyed blackguard schoolgirl, be my
whore, my mistress, as much as you like (my little frigging mistress! my
little fucking whore!) you are always my beautiful wild flower of the
hedges, my dark-blue rain-drenched flower.
3 December 1909: 44 Fontenoy Street, Dublin.
My darling little convent-girl,
There is some star too near the earth for I am still in a fever-fit of
animal desire. Today I stopped short often in the street with an
exclamation whenever I thought of the letters I wrote you last night and
the night before. They must read awful in the cold light of day.
Perhaps their coarseness has disgusted you. I know you are a much finer
nature than your extraordinary lover and though it was you yourself, you
hot little girl, who first wrote to me saying that you were longing to
be fucked by me yet I suppose the wild filth and obscenity of my reply
went beyond all bounds of modesty. When I got your express letter this
morning and saw how careful you are of your worthless Jim I felt ashamed
of what I had written. Yet now, night, secret sinful night, has come
down again on the world and I am alone again writing to you and your
letter is again folded before me on the table. Do not ask me to go to
bed, dear. Let me write to you, dear.
As you know, dearest, I never use obscene phrases in speaking. You have
never heard me, have you, utter an unfit word before others. When men
tell in my presence here filthy or lecherous stories I hardly smile. Yet
you seem to turn me into a beast. It was you yourself, you naughty
shameless girl who first led the way. It was not I who first touched you
long ago down at Ringsend. It was you who slid your hand down inside my
trousers and pulled my shirt softly aside and touched my prick with
your long tickling fingers, and gradually took it all, fat and stiff as
it was, into your hand and frigged me slowly until I came off through
your fingers, all the time bending over me and gazing at me out of your
quiet saintlike eyes. It was your lips too which first uttered an
obscene word. I remember well that night in bed in Pola. Tired of lying
under a man one night you tore off your chemise violently and began to
ride me up and down. Perhaps the horn I had was not big enough for you
for I remember that you bent down to my face and murmured tenderly ‘Fuck
up, love! fuck up, love!’
Nora dear, I am dying all day to ask you one or two questions. Let me,
dear, for I have told you everything I ever did and so I can ask you in
turn. I wonder will you answer them. When that person whose heart I long
to stop with the click of a revolver put his hand or hands under your
skirts did he only tickle you outside or did he put his finger or
fingers up into you? If he did, did they go far enough to touch that
little cock at the end of your cunt? Did he touch you behind? Was he a
long time tickling you and did you come? Did he ask you to touch him and
did you do so? If you did not touch him did he come against you and did
you feel it?
Another question, Nora. I know that I was the first man that blocked you
but did any man ever frig you? Did that boy you were fond of ever do
it? Tell me now, Nora, truth for truth, honesty for honesty. When you
were with him in the dark at night did your fingers never, never
unbutton his trousers and slip inside like mice? Did you ever frig him,
dear, tell me truly or anyone else? Did you never never, never feel a
man’s or a boy’s prick in your fingers until you unbuttoned me? If you
are not offended do not be afraid to tell me the truth. Darling,
darling, tonight I have such a wild lust for your body that if you were
here beside me and even if you told me with your own lips that half the
red-headed louts of Galway had had a fuck at you before me I would still
rush at you with desire.
God Almighty, what kind of language is this I am writing to my proud
blue-eyed queen! Will she refuse to answer my coarse insulting
questions? I know I am risking a good deal in writing this way, but if
she loves me really she will feel that I am mad with lust and that I
must be told all.
Sweetheart, answer me. Even if I learn that you too have sinned perhaps
it would bind me closer to you. In any case I love you. I have written
and said things to you that my pride would never again allow me to say
to any woman.
My darling Nora, I am panting with eagerness to get your replies to
these filthy letters of mine. I write to you openly because I feel now
that I can keep my word with you.
Don’t be angry, dear, dear, Nora, my little wild-flower of the hedges. I love your body, long for it, dream of it.
Speak to me, dear lips that I have kissed in tears. If this filth I have
written insults you bring me to my senses again with the lash as you
have done before. God help me!
I love you, Nora, and it seems that this too is part of my love. Forgive me! forgive me!
6 December 1909: 44 Fontenoy Street, Dublin.
Noretta mia!
I got your pitiful letter this evening telling me you were going about
without underclothes. I did not get 200 crowns on the 25th but only 50
crowns and 50 again on the 1st. Enough about money. I send you a little
banknote and hope you may be able to buy a pretty frilly pair of drawers
at least for yourself out of it and will send you more when I am paid
again. I would like you to wear drawers with three or four frills one
over the other at the knees and up the thighs and great crimson bows in
them, I mean not the schoolgirls’ drawers with a thin shabby lace
border, tight round the legs and so thin that the flesh shows between
them but women’s (or if you prefer the word) ladies’ drawers will a full
loose bottom and wide legs, all frills and lace and ribbons, and heavy
with perfume so that whenever you show them, whether in pulling up your
clothes hastily to do something or in cuddling yourself up prettily to
be blocked, I can see only a swelling mass of white stuff and frills and
so that when I bend down over you to open them and give you a burning
lustful kiss on your naughty bare bum I can smell the perfume of your
drawers as well as the warm odour of your cunt and the heavy smell of
your behind.
Have I shocked you by the dirty things I wrote to you. You think perhaps
that my love is a filthy thing. It is, darling, at some moments. I
dream of you in filthy poses sometimes. I imagine things so very dirty
that I will not write them until I see how you write yourself. The
smallest things give me a great cockstand- a whorish movement of your
mouth, a little brown stain on the seat of your white drawers, a sudden
dirty word spluttered out by your wet lips, a sudden immodest noise made
by you behind and then a bad smell slowly curling up out of your
backside. At such moments I feel mad to do it in some filthy way, to
feel your hot lecherous lips sucking away at me, to fuck between your
two rosy-tipped bubbies, to come on your face and squirt it over your
hot cheeks and eyes, to stick it up between the cheeks of your rump and
bugger you.
Basta per stasera!
I hope you got my telegram and understood it.
Goodbye, my darling whom I am trying to degrade and deprave. How on God’s earth can you possibly love a thing like me?
O, I am so anxious to get your reply, darling!
8 December 1909: 44 Fontenoy Street, Dublin.
My sweet little whorish Nora
I did as you told me, you dirty little girl, and pulled myself off twice
when I read your letter. I am delighted to see that you do like being
fucked arseways. Yes, now I can remember that night when I fucked you
for so long backwards. It was the dirtiest fucking I ever gave you,
darling. My prick was stuck up in you for hours, fucking in and out
under your upturned rump. I felt your fat sweaty buttocks under my belly
and saw your flushed face and mad eyes. At every fuck I gave you your
shameless tongue come bursting out through your lips and if I gave you a
bigger stronger fuck than usual fat dirty farts came spluttering out of
your backside. You had an arse full of farts that night, darling, and I
fucked them out of you, big fat fellows, long windy ones, quick little
merry cracks and a lot of tiny little naughty farties ending in a long
gush from your hole. It is wonderful to fuck a farting woman when every
fuck drives one out of her. I think I would know Nora’s fart anywhere. I
think I could pick hers out in a roomful of farting women. It is a
rather girlish noise not like the wet windy fart which I imagine fat
wives have. It is sudden and dry and dirty like what a bold girl would
let off in fun in a school dormitory at night. I hope Nora will let off
no end of her farts in my face so that I may know their smell also.
You say when I go back you will suck me off and you want me to lick your
cunt, you little depraved blackguard. I hope you will surprise me some
time when I am asleep dressed, steal over me with a whore’s glow in your
slumbrous eyes, gently undo button after button in the fly of my
trousers and gently take out your lover’s fat mickey, lap it up in your
moist mouth and suck away at it till it gets fatter and stiffer and
comes off in your mouth. Sometime too I shall surprise you asleep, lift
up your skirts and open your hot drawers gently, then lie down gently by
you and begin to lick lazily round your bush. You will begin to stir
uneasily then I will lick the lips of my darling’s cunt. You will begin
to groan and grunt and sigh and fart with lust in your sleep. Then I
will lick up faster and faster like a ravenous dog until your cunt is a
mass of slime and your body wriggling wildly.
Goodnight, my little farting Nora, my dirty little fuckbird! There is
one lovely word, darling, you have underlined to make me pull myself off
better. Write me more about that and yourself, sweetly, dirtier,
9 December 1909: 44 Fontenoy Street, Dublin.
My sweet naughty little fuckbird,
Here is another note to buy pretty drawers or stockings or garters. Buy
whorish drawers, love, and be sure you sprinkle the legs of them with
some nice scent and also discolour them just a little behind.
You seem anxious to know how I received your letter which you say is
worse than mine. How is it worse than mine, love? Yes, it is worse in
one part or two. I mean the part where you say what you will do with
your tongue (I don’t mean sucking me off) and in that lovely word you
write so big and underline, you little blackguard. It is thrilling to
hear that word (and one or two others you have not written) on a girl’s
lips. But I wish you spoke of yourself and not of me. Write me a long
long letter, full of that and other things, about yourself, darling. You
know now how to give me a cockstand. Tell me the smallest things about
yourself so long as they are obscene and secret and filthy. Write
nothing else. Let every sentence be full of dirty immodest words and
sounds. They are all lovely to hear and to see on paper even but the
dirtiest are the most beautiful.
The two parts of your body which do dirty things are the loveliest to
me. I prefer your arse, darling, to your bubbies because it does such a
dirty thing. I love your cunt not so much because it is the part I block
but because it does another dirty thing. I could lie frigging all day
looking at the divine word you wrote and at the thing you said you would
do with your tongue. I wish I could hear your lips spluttering those
heavenly exciting filthy words, see your mouth making dirty sounds and
noises, feel your body wriggling under me, hear and smell the dirty fat
girlish farts going pop pop out of your pretty bare girlish bum and fuck
fuck fuck fuck my naughty little hot fuckbird’s cunt for ever.
I am happy now, because my little whore tells me she wants me to roger
her arseways and wants me to fuck her mouth and wants to unbutton me and
pull out my mickey and suck it off like a teat. More and dirtier than
this she wants to do, my little naked fucker, my naughty wriggling
little frigger, my sweet dirty little farter.
Goodnight, my little cuntie I am going to lie down and pull at myself
till I come. Write more and dirtier, darling. Tickle your little cockey
while you write to make you say worse and worse. Write the dirty words
big and underline them and kiss them and hold them for a moment to your
sweet hot cunt, darling, and also pull up your dress a moment and hold
them in under your dear little farting bum. Do more if you wish and send
the letter then to me, my darling brown-arsed fuckbird.
16 December 1909: 44 Fontenoy Street, Dublin
My sweet darling girl
At last you write to me! You must have given that naughty little cunt of
yours a most ferocious frigging to write me such a disjointed letter.
As for me, darling, I am so played out that you would have to lick me
for a good hour before I could get a horn stiff enough even to put into
you, to say nothing of blocking you. I have done so much and so often
that I am afraid to look to see how that thing I had is after all I have
done to myself. Darling, please don’t fuck me too much when I go back.
Fuck all you can out of me for the first night or so but make my get
myself cured. The fucking must all be done by you, darling, as I am so
soft and small now that no girl in Europe except yourself would waste
her time trying the job. Fuck me, darling, in as many ways as your lust
will suggest. Fuck me dressed in your full outdoor costume with your hat
and veil on, your face flushed with the cold and wind and rain and your
boots muddy, either straddling across my legs when I am sitting in a
chair and riding me up and down with the frills of your drawers showing
and my cock sticking up stiff in your cunt or riding me over the back of
the sofa. Fuck me naked with your hat and stockings on only flat on the
floor with a crimson flower in your hole behind, riding me like a man
with your thighs between mine and your rump very fat. Fuck me in your
dressing gown (I hope you have that nice one) with nothing on under it,
opening it suddenly and showing me your belly and thighs and back and
pulling me on top of you on the kitchen table. Fuck me into you
arseways, lying on your face on the bed, your hair flying loose naked
but with a lovely scented pair of pink drawers opened shamelessly behind
and half slipping down over your peeping bum. Fuck me if you can
squatting in the closet, with your clothes up, grunting like a young sow
doing her dung, and a big fat dirty snaking thing coming slowly out of
your backside. Fuck me on the stairs in the dark, like a nursery-maid
fucking her soldier, unbuttoning his trousers gently and slipping her
hand into his fly and fiddling with his shirt and feeling it getting wet
and then pulling it gently up and fiddling with his two bursting balls
and at last pulling out boldly the mickey she loves to handle and
frigging it for him softly, murmuring into his ear dirty words and dirty
stories that other girls told her and dirty things she said, and all
the time pissing her drawers with pleasure and letting off soft warm
quiet little farts behind until her own girlish cockey is as stiff as
his and suddenly sticking him up in her and riding him.
Basta! Basta per Dio!
I have come now and the foolery is over. Now for your questions!
We are not open yet. I send you some posters. We hope to open on the
20th or 21st. Count 14 days from that and 3 1/2 days for the voyage and I
am in Trieste.
Get ready. Put some warm-brown-linoleum on the kitchen and hang a pair
of red common curtains on the windows at night. Get some kind of a cheap
common comfortable armchair for your lazy lover. Do this above all,
darling, as I shall not quit the kitchen for a whole week after I
arrive, reading, lolling, smoking, and watching you get ready the meals
and talking, talking, talking, talking to you. O how supremely happy I
shall be! God in heaven, I shall be happy there! I figlioli, il fuoco,
una bona mangiata, un caffe nero, un Brasil, il Piccolo della Sera, e
Nora, Nora mia, Norina, Noretta, Norella, Noruccia ecc ecc…
Eva and Eileen must sleep together. Get some place for Georgie. I wish
Nora and I had two beds for night-work. I am keeping and shall keep my
promise. love. Time fly on, fly on quickly! I want to go back to my
love, my life, my star, my little strange-eyed Ireland!
A hundred thousand kisses, darling!
20 December 1909: 44 Fontenoy Street, Dublin
My sweet naughty girl
I got your hot letter tonight and have been trying to picture you
frigging your cunt in the closet. How do you do it? Do you stand against
the wall with your hand tickling up under your clothes or do you squat
down on the hole with your skirts up and your hand hard at work in
through the slit of your drawers? Does it give you the horn now to shit?
I wonder how you can do it. Do you come in the act of shitting or do
you frig yourself off first and then shit? It must be a fearfully
lecherous thing to see a girl with her clothes up frigging furiously at
her cunt, to see her pretty white drawers pulled open behind and her bum
sticking out and a fat brown thing stuck half-way out of her hole. You
say you will shit your drawers, dear, and let me fuck you then. I would
like to hear you shit them, dear, first and then fuck you. Some night
when we are somewhere in the dark and talking dirty and you feel your
shite ready to fall put your arms around my neck in shame and shit it
down softly. the sound will madden me and when I pull up your dress
No use continuing! You can guess why!
The cinematograph opened today. I leave for Trieste on Sunday 2 January.
I hope you have done what I said about the kitchen, linoleum and
armchair and curtains. By the way don’t be sewing those drawers befor
anybody. Is your dress made. I hope so- with a long coat, belted and
cuffed with leather etc. How I am to manage Eileen’s [note: his sister]
fare I don’t know. For God’s sake arrange that you and I can have
comfortable bed. I have no great wish to do anything to you, dear. All I
want is your company. You may rest easy about my going with ________
[note: a word is omitted by Joyce in the original, presumably “whores”.
His infidelities with prostitutes had upset Nora] You understand. That
won’t happen, dear.
O, I am hungry now. The day I arrive get Eva to make one of the
threepenny puddings and make some kind of vanilla sauce without wine. I
would like roast beef, rice-soup, capuzzi garbi, mashed potatoes,
pudding and black coffee. No, no I would like stracotto di maccheroni, a
mixed salad, stewed prunes, torroni, tea and presnitz. Or no I would
stewed eels or polenta with…
Excuse me, dear, I am hungry tonight.
Nora darling, I hope we will pass a happy year together. Am writing
Stannie [note: his brother, Stanislaus] tomorrow about cinematograph.
I am so glad I am now in sight of Miramar. The only thing I hope is that
I haven’t brought on that cursed thing again by what I did. Pray for
me, dearest.
Addio, addio, addio, addio!
20 December 1909: 44 Fontenoy Street, Dublin
My sweet naughty girl
I got your hot letter tonight and have been trying to picture you
frigging your cunt in the closet. How do you do it? Do you stand against
the wall with your hand tickling up under your clothes or do you squat
down on the hole with your skirts up and your hand hard at work in
through the slit of your drawers? Does it give you the horn now to shit?
I wonder how you can do it. Do you come in the act of shitting or do
you frig yourself off first and then shit? It must be a fearfully
lecherous thing to see a girl with her clothes up frigging furiously at
her cunt, to see her pretty white drawers pulled open behind and her bum
sticking out and a fat brown thing stuck half-way out of her hole. You
say you will shit your drawers, dear, and let me fuck you then. I would
like to hear you shit them, dear, first and then fuck you. Some night
when we are somewhere in the dark and talking dirty and you feel your
shite ready to fall put your arms around my neck in shame and shit it
down softly. the sound will madden me and when I pull up your dress
No use continuing! You can guess why!
The cinematograph opened today. I leave for Trieste on Sunday 2 January.
I hope you have done what I said about the kitchen, linoleum and
armchair and curtains. By the way don’t be sewing those drawers befor
anybody. Is your dress made. I hope so- with a long coat, belted and
cuffed with leather etc. How I am to manage Eileen’s [note: his sister]
fare I don’t know. For God’s sake arrange that you and I can have
comfortable bed. I have no great wish to do anything to you, dear. All I
want is your company. You may rest easy about my going with ________
[note: a word is omitted by Joyce in the original, presumably “whores”.
His infidelities with prostitutes had upset Nora] You understand. That
won’t happen, dear.
O, I am hungry now. The day I arrive get Eva to make one of the
threepenny puddings and make some kind of vanilla sauce without wine. I
would like roast beef, rice-soup, capuzzi garbi, mashed potatoes,
pudding and black coffee. No, no I would like stracotto di maccheroni, a
mixed salad, stewed prunes, torroni, tea and presnitz. Or no I would
stewed eels or polenta with…
Excuse me, dear, I am hungry tonight.
Nora darling, I hope we will pass a happy year together. Am writing
Stannie [note: his brother, Stanislaus] tomorrow about cinematograph.
I am so glad I am now in sight of Miramar. The only thing I hope is that
I haven’t brought on that cursed thing again by what I did. Pray for
me, dearest.
Addio, addio, addio, addio!
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